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Save up to 15% off Cute dog pet
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Who we are

For years Silpet has been committed to researching and developing products and foods for our four-legged friends. The innovation of our products guarantees a level of quality and safety on the highest level of nutrition with Bio and Cruelty free products because we offer the best for our domestic friends. In our range you will find a wide selection of snacks declined in all tastes with the certainty of offering a healthy and natural meal with all the certifications that guarantee the highest quality. Our line of New Silpet Clean absorbent mats are designed to eliminate the unpleasant problem of unpleasant odors, guaranteeing the hygiene and safety of domestic environments where our animals live. New Silpet Clean wipes cleanse and polish the fur of dogs, cats and pets on a daily basis. The lotion, alcohol-free, deodorizes and gently refreshes the animal without causing redness or irritation even in the cleaning of the most sensitive areas. This is only a part of what we can offer our customers by ensuring attention and satisfaction in the product
